One of the most exciting things about the trip is that we will be "eating clean". For a while I have only been buying foods with less than 6 ingredients and let me tell you, this has been a challenge. If I can't recognize something in the ingredients list, I won't buy it. We mainly eat fruit, vegetables, any beans seeds and minimal dairy. This is typical to the diet we will consume in Africa, so we won't have to adjust too much.
I have been reading lots of travel blogs with advice on what to pack. We are considering bringing a big backpack instead of rolling suitcases. Every time I travel with a rolling suitcase it's a catastrophe. They topple over, I break the handles and they are so heavy. We will be taking our luggage with us everywhere we go and I just can't imagine lugging around a big suitcase. It will also force us to pack lightly which I have a hard time doing.
We are also researching a lot of homeopathic medicine instead of traditional Western meds. I rarely take any medication, but Laren and I love street meat and will definitely be eating some questionable foods along the way. Whole Foods carries some natural tablets for all different kinds of ailments. I am also stocking up on Activated Charcoal. It's a life saver. After we went to Mexico Laren brought back a stomach bug of some kind that lasted for weeks. After taking activated charcoal it went away. The charcoal absorbs any toxins in your digestive system.